
Publications by Topic FERIT logo

  1. Recent Publications
  2. Wildlife Responses to Managed Ecosystem - Caribou, Moose, and Birds
  3. Scenario Analysis & Cumulative Effects Assessment
  4. Wildlife Habitat versus Wood Supply Trade-off Analysis
  5. Climate Change Research & Vulnerability Assessment - Moose and Migratory Birds
  6. Forest Management Planning & Assessment Tools
  7. Forest Songbirds - Bioacoustic Research & Monitoring
  8. Forest Birds & Waterfowl - Research & Monitoring
  9. Moose - Research & Monitoring
  10. Landscapes & Vegetation - Research & Monitoring
  11. Wetlands - Research & Monitoring
  12. Fisheries & Aquatic Insects
  13. Monitoring Concepts and Strategies

Recent Publications

Antwi, E. K., R. S. Rempel, M. Carlson, J. Boakye-Danquah, R. Winder, A. Dabros, W. Owusu-Banahene, E. Berryman, and I. Eddy. 2023. A modelling approach to inform regional cumulative effects assessment in northern Ontario. Frontiers in Environmental Science 11.[PDF]

DeWitt, P. D., E. Kissler, A. Rodgers, R. S. Rempel, J. A. Rodgers, B. Allison, F. Levec, P. Hubert, and B. Patterson. 2023. Integrated Monitoring Framework recommendations for moose monitoring: Final report[PDF].

Rempel, R. S., M. Carlson, A. R. Rodgers, J. L. Shuter, C. E. Farrell, D. Cairns, B. Stelfox, L. M. Hunt, R. W. Mackereth, and J. M. Jackson. 2021. Modeling Cumulative Effects of Climate and Development on Moose, Wolf, and Caribou Populations. The Journal of Wildlife Management 85:1355-1376. [PDF]

Yemshanov, D., R. G. Haight, N. Liu, R. Rempel, F. H. Koch, and A. Rodgers. 2021. Exploring the tradeoffs among forest planning, roads and wildlife corridors: a new approach. Optimization Letters:1-42.[PDF]

Yemshanov, D., R. G. Haight, N. Liu, R. S. Rempel, F. H. Koch, and A. Rodgers. 2021. Balancing Large-Scale Wildlife Protection and Forest Management Goals with a Game-Theoretic Approach. Forests 12:809.[PDF]

Yemshanov, D., R. G. Haight, R. Rempel, N. Liu, and F. H. Koch. 2020. Protecting wildlife habitat in managed forest landscapes—How can network connectivity models help? Natural Resource Modeling:e12286.[PDF]

Wildlife Responses to Managed Ecosystems - Caribou, Moose, and Birds

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Rempel, R.S., B.J. Naylor, P.C. Elkie, J. Baker, and J. Churcher, An indicator system to assess ecological integrity of managed forests. Ecological Indicators, 2016. 60: p. 860 - 869. [PDF]

Rodgers, A. R., J. Shuter, J. A. Rodgers, R. S. Rempel, K. Green, D. Brannen, D. Fortin and P. D. McLoughlin (2021). Disturbance-Recruitment Relationships of Boreal Caribou in Boreal Shield and Hudson Bay Lowland Ecozones. Abstract for North American Caribou Workshop.

Hornseth, M.L. and R.S. Rempel, Seasonal resource selection of woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) across a gradient of anthropogenic disturbance. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 2015. 94: p. 79 - 93. [PDF]

Rempel, R.S., Selecting focal songbird species for biodiversity conservation assessment: Response to forest cover amount and configuration. Avian Conservation and Ecology - Ecologie et conservation des oiseaux, 2007. 2(1): p. Article 6.[PDF]

Rempel, R.S., P.C. Elkie, A.R. Rodgers, and M.J. Gluck, Timber-management and natural-disturbance effects on moose habitat: Landscape evaluation. Journal of Wildlife Management, 1997. 61(2): p. 517-524.[PDF]

Thompson, I.D., J.A. Baker, S.J. Hannon, R.S. Rempel, and K.J. Szuba, Forest birds and forest management in Ontario: Status, management, and policy. Forestry Chronicle, 2009. 85(2): p. 245-257.

Bottan, B., D. Euler, and R. Rempel, Adaptive management of moose in Ontario. Alces, 2002. 38: p. 1-10.

Voigt, D.R., J.A. Baker, R.S. Rempel, and I.D. Thompson, Forest vertebrate responses to landscape-level changes in Ontario. Ecology of a Managed Terrestrial Landscape: Patterns and Processes of Forest Landscapes in Ontario, ed. A.H. Perera, D.L. Euler, and I.D. Thompson. 2000, Vancouver, B.C.: UBC Press, University of British Columbia. 198-233.

Promaine, A. and R.S. Rempel. Applying criteria and indicators to assess ecological integrity in a boreal national park and adjacent forest management units. in Proceedings of the 1999 Sustainable Forest Management Network Conference - Science and Practice: Sustaining the Boreal Forest. 1999. Edmonton, Alberta: Sustainable Forest Management Network, University of Alberta.

Scenario Analysis & Cumulative Effects Assessment

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Antwi, E. K., R. S. Rempel, M. Carlson, J. Boakye-Danquah, R. Winder, A. Dabros, W. Owusu-Banahene, E. Berryman, and I. Eddy. 2023. A modelling approach to inform regional cumulative effects assessment in northern Ontario. Frontiers in Environmental Science 11.

Rempel, R. S., M. Carlson, A. R. Rodgers, J. L. Shuter, C. E. Farrell, D. Cairns, B. Stelfox, L. M. Hunt, R. W. Mackereth, and J. M. Jackson. 2021. Modeling Cumulative Effects of Climate and Development on Moose, Wolf, and Caribou Populations. The Journal of Wildlife Management 85:1355-1376.[PDF]

Rempel, R.S., J. Baker, P.C. Elkie, M.J. Gluck, J. Jackson, R.S. Kushneriuk, T. Moore, and A.H. Perera, Forest policy scenario analysis:  Sensitivity of songbird community to changes in forest cover amount and configuration. Avian Conservation and Ecology - Ecologie et Conservation des oiseaux, 2007. 2(1): p. Article 5.[PDF]

Wildlife Habitat versus Wood Supply Trade-off Analysis

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Yemshanov, D., R. G. Haight, N. Liu, R. S. Rempel, F. H. Koch, and A. Rodgers. 2021. Balancing Large-Scale Wildlife Protection and Forest Management Goals with a Game-Theoretic Approach. Forests 12:809.[PDF]

Yemshanov, D., R. G. Haight, N. Liu, R. Rempel, F. H. Koch, and A. Rodgers. 2021. Exploring the tradeoffs among forest planning, roads and wildlife corridors: a new approach. Optimization Letters:1-42.[PDF]

Yemshanov, D., R. G. Haight, R. Rempel, N. Liu, and F. H. Koch. 2020. Protecting wildlife habitat in managed forest landscapes—How can network connectivity models help? Natural Resource Modeling:e12286. [PDF]

Rempel, R.S. and C.K. Kaufmann, Spatial modeling of harvest constraints on wood supply versus wildlife habitat objectives. Environmental Management, 2003. 32(3): p. 334-347.

Kauffman, C. and R.S. Rempel. Analysis of spatial harvest constraints on ecological (wildlife habitat) versus economic (timber harvest) objectives. in Proceedings of the 1999 Sustainable Forest Management Network Conference - Science and Practice: Sustaining the Boreal Forest. 1999. Edmonton, Alberta: Sustainable Forest Management Network, University of Alberta.

Climate Change Research & Vulnerability Assessment - Moose and Birds

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Rempel, R. S., J. M. Jackson, S. L. Van Wilgenburg, and J. A. Rodgers. 2019. A multiple detection state occupancy model using autonomous recordings facilitates correction of false positive and false negative observation errors. Avian Conservation and Ecology 14. [PDF]

Rempel, R.S., Effects of climate change on moose populations: Exploring the response horizon through biometric and systems models. Ecological Modelling, 2011. 222(18): p. 3355 - 3365.[PDF]

Rempel, R.S. and M.L. Hornseth, Binational climate change vulnerability assessment of migratory birds in the Great Lakes Basins: Tools and impediments. PLoS ONE, 2017: p. 1 - 17.[PDF]

Rempel, R.S., Effects of Climate Change on Moose Populations: A vulnerability analysis for the Clay Belt Ecodistrict (3E-1) in northeastern Ontario, in Climate Change Research Report 2012: Ontario.

Forest Management Planning & Assessment Tools

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Elkie, P.C., A. Smiegielski, J. Elliot, R. Kushneriuk, and R.S. Rempel, Ontario’s Landscape Tool User’s Manual, in Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources. Forest Policy Section. Sault Ste. Marie Ontario 2012.

Rempel, R.S., M. Donnelly, L. Van Damme, M. Gluck, R. Kushneriuk, and T. Moore. Spatial landscape assessment models: A meta-modelling framework for biodiversity conservation planning. 2006. Academia Italiana di Scienze Forestali.

Elkie, P.C., G. Hooper, A.P. Carr, and R.S. Rempel, Ontario Marten Analyst and Marten Models: Directions for applying the forest management Guidelines for the provision of marten habitat in the the Northwest Region, 1999, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Northwest Science and Technology: Thunder Bay, ON. p. 31.

Kushneriuk, R.S. and R.S. Rempel, LSL- Landscape Scripting Language 2011, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Centre for Northern Forest Ecosystem Research, Thunder Bay, Ontario.

Rempel, R.S., A. Carr, C. Kauffman, P. Elkie, and J. McNicol. Natural disturbance analysis and planning tools: development, integration, and application of models to support forest management planning. in Proceedings of the 1999 Sustainable Forest Management Network Conference - Science and Practice: Sustaining the Boreal Forest. 1999. Edmonton, Alberta: Sustainable Forest Management Network, University of Alberta.

Forest Songbirds -Bioacoustic Research & Monitoring

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Rempel, R.S., C.M. Francis, J.N. Robinson, and M. Campbell, Comparison of audio recording system performance for detecting and monitoring songbirds. Journal of Field Ornithology, 2013. 84(1): p. 86-97.

Rempel, R.S., K.A. Hobson, G. Holborn, S.L. Van Wilgenburg, and J. Elliott, Bioacoustic monitoring of forest songbirds: interpreter variability and effects of configuration and digital processing methods in the laboratory. Journal of Field Ornithology, 2005. 76(1): p. 1-11.

Hobson, K.A., R.S. Rempel, H. Greenwood, B. Turnbull, and S.L. VanWilgenburg, Acoustic surveys of birds using electronic recordings: new potential from an omnidirectional microphone system. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 2002. 30(3): p. 709-720.

Rempel, R.S., J.M. Jackson, and J.N. Robinson, Acoustic monitoring and assessment of forest songbirds: Sample design, analysis methods, and observation error, 2014, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry - Centre for Northern Forest Ecosystem Research: Thunder Bay, Ontario. p. 38 pp. + append.

Forest Birds and Waterfowl - Research & Monitoring

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Ross, R.K., K.F. Abraham, T.R. Gadawski, R.S. Rempel, T.S. Gabor, and R. Maher, Abundance and distribution of breeding waterfowl in the great clay belt of northern Ontario. Canadian Field-Naturalist, 2002. 116(1): p. 42-50.[PDF]

Rempel, R.S. and R.S. Kushneriuk, The influence of sampling scheme and interpolation method on the power to detect spatial effects of forest birds in Ontario (Canada). Landscape Ecology, 2003. 18(8): p. 741-757.

Gabor, T.S., T.R. Gadawski, R.K. Ross, R.S. Rempel, and D.W. Kroeker, Visibility bias of waterfowl brood surveys using helicopters in the Great Clay Belt of Northern Ontario. Journal of Field Ornithology, 1995. 66(1): p. 81-87.

Hobson, K.A. and R. Rempel, Recommendations for Forest Bird Monitoring, Version 1.1, 2001, Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management. p. 42.

Rempel, R.S., C.A. Debruyne, J.M. Jackson, and J.N. Robinson, Effectiveness Monitoring of Forest Management Guides: Songbird Community Response / Protocols and Methodologies, 2011: Thunder Bay. p. 16.

Moose - Research & Monitoring

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Rempel, R.S., A.R. Rodgers, and K.F. Abraham, Performance of a GPS animal location system under boreal forest canopy. Journal of Wildlife Management, 1995. 59(3): p. 543-551.[PDF]

McKenney, D.W., R.S. Rempel, L.A. Venier, Y.H. Wang, and A.R. Bisset, Development and application of a spatially explicit moose population model. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 1998. 76(10): p. 1922-1931.[PDF]

Rempel, R.S. and A.R. Rodgers, Effects of differential correction on accuracy of a GPS animal location system. Journal of Wildlife Management, 1997. 61(2): p. 525-530. [PDF] 

Rodgers, A.R., R.S. Rempel, and K.F. Abraham, A GPS-based telemetry system. Wildlife Society Bulletin, 1996. 24(3): p. 559-566.

Rodgers, A.R., R.S. Rempel, R. Moen, J. Paczkowski, C.C. Schwartz, E.J. Lawson, and M.J. Gluck, GPS collars for moose telemetry studies: a workshop. Alces, 1997. 33: p. 203-209.

Timmermann, H.R. and R.S. Rempel, Age and sex structure of hunter harvested moose under two harvest strategies in north central Ontario. Alces, 1998. 34(1): p. 21-30.

Bisset, A.R. and R.S. Rempel, Linear analysis of factors affecting the accuracy of moose aerial inventories. Alces, 1991. 27: p. 127-139.

Rodgers, A.R., S.M. Tomkiewicz, E.J. Lawson, T.R. Stephenson, K.J. Hundertmark, P.J. Wilson, B.N. White, and R.S. Rempel, New technology for moose management: a workshop. Alces, 1998. 34(1): p. 239-244.

Landscapes and Vegetation - Research & Monitoring

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Rempel, R.S., D.E.B. Reid, and J. Jackson, Batcheler-corrected point distance versus belt transect for sampling habitat and woody vegetation. Canadian Journal of Forest Research, 2012. 42: p. 2052 - 2063.[PDF]

Andison, D.W., R. Wright, R. Rempel, D. Dye, R. Nesdoly, B. Christensen, D. Ens, P. Mackasey, P. Maczek, and R. Fincati, Vegetation Pattern Indicators, Version 6.3, 2002, Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management.

Kimmins, J.P., R.S. Rempel, C.V.J. Welham, B. Seely, and K.C.J. Van Rees, Biophysical sustainability, process-based monitoring and forest ecosystem management decision support systems. The Forestry Chronicle, 2007. 83(4): p. 502 - 514.

Elkie, P.C. and R.S. Rempel, Detecting scales of pattern in boreal forest landscapes. Forest Ecology and Management, 2001. 147(2-3): p. 253-261.

France, R., J.S. Felkner, M. Flaxman, and R. Rempel, Spatial investigation of applying Ontario's timber management guidelines: GIS analysis for riparian areas of concern. Handbook of Water Sensitive Planning and Design, ed. R.L. France. 2002, Boca Raton, Florida: CRC Press LLC. 601-613.

Gluck, M.J. and R.S. Rempel, Structural characteristics of post-wildfire and clearcut landscapes. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 1996. 39(1-3): p. 435-450.

Rempel, R.S., G.D. Racey, and K.A. Cumming, Predicting moose browse production using the Northwestern Ontario Forest Ecosystem Classification. Alces, 1997. 33: p. 19-31.

Rempel, R.S., P. Elkie, M. Gluck, J. Jackson, T. Moore, A. Rudy, B. Seely, and C. Welham, Habitat element curves: Development and evaluation of empirical versus process-based models., 2009, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources - Centre for Northern Forest Ecosystem Research: Thunder Bay, Ontario.

Rempel, R.S., J. McNicol, J. Baker, M. Gluck, and L. Forsyth. A new spatially-explicit approach to specifying landscape design using the hexagon-class histogram. in Proceedings of the 1999 Sustainable Forest Management Network Conference - Science and Practice: Sustaining the Boreal Forest. 1999. Edmonton, Alberta: Sustainable Forest Management Network, University of Alberta. 

Elkie, P.C. and R.S. Rempel. Identifying hierarchical structure in Ontario landscapes as a component of emulating natural disturbance. in Proceedings of the 1999 Sustainable Forest Management Network Conference - Science and Practice: Sustaining the Boreal Forest. 1999. Edmonton, Alberta: Sustainable Forest Management Network, University of Alberta.

Wetlands - Research & Monitoring

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Rempel, R.S., K.F. Abraham, T.R. Gadawski, S. Gabor, and R.K. Ross, A simple wetland habitat classification for boreal forest waterfowl. Journal of Wildlife Management, 1997. 61(3): p. 746-757.[PDF]

Gluck, M.J., R.S. Rempel, and P.W.C. Uhlig, An evaluation of remote sensing for regional wetland mapping application, 1996, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, Ontario Forest Research Institute: Sault Ste. Marie, ON. Gluck, M.J. and R.S. Rempel, The effect of spatial resolution on landscape measurements of post disturbance vegetation. Earsel Advances in Remote Sensing, 1996. 4(4): p. 170-176.

Koeln, G.T., J.E. Jacobson, D.E. Wesley, and R.S. Rempel. Wetland inventories derived from Landsat data for waterfowl management planning. in Wetland Inventories from Landsat - Transactions of the Fifty-third North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference. 1988.

Fisheries & Aquatic Insects

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Rempel, R.S. and P.J. Colby, A statistically valid model of the morphoedaphic index. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 1991. 48(10): p. 1937-1943. [PDF]

Rempel, R.S. and T.G. Northcote, Winter feeding and spatial distribution of lacustrine Dolly Varden charr and cutthroat trout populations. Physiol. Ecol. Japan, 1989. Spec. Volume 1: p. 323-336.

Rempel, R.S. and A.D. Harrison, Structural and functional composition of the community of Chironomidae (Diptera) in a Canadian Shield stream. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 1987. 65: p. 2545-2554.

Rempel, R.S. and J.C.H. Carter, Temperature influences on adult size, development, and reproductive potential of aquatic diptera. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 1987. 44(10): p. 1743-1752.

Rempel, R.S. and J.C.H. Carter, Modelling the effects of accelerated development and reduced fecundity on the population dynamics of aquatic diptera. Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 1987. 44(10): p. 1737-1742.

Rempel, R.S. and J.C.H. Carter, An experimental study on the effect of elevated temperature on the heterotrophic and autotrophic food resources of aquatic insects in a forested stream. Canadian Journal of Zoology, 1986. 64(11): p. 2457-2466.

Monitoring Concepts & Strategies 

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Rempel, R.S., D.W. Andison, and S.J. Hannon, Guiding principles for developing an indicator and monitoring framework. Forestry Chronicle, 2004. 80(1): p. 82-90. Andison, D.W., H. Kimmins, K. Van Rees,

R. Rempel, K. Hobson, R. Granger, F. McCallum, G. Melville, P. Chambers, J. Beatty, H. Greenwood, and V. Adamowicz, Saskatchewan Forest Ecosystem Impacts Monitoring Framework Part 1: Rationale and Strategy, Version 1.5, 2001, Saskatchewan Environment and Resource Management. p. 32.

Kimmins, J.P., C. Welham, B. Seely, M. Meitner, R. Rempel, and T. Sullivan, Science in Forestry: Why does it sometimes disappoint or even fail us? Forestry Chronicle, 2005. 81(5): p. 723-734.

Rempel, R.S., R.W. Mackereth, A.R. Rodgers, E.P. Iwachewski, P.D. Furlong, J.S. Hagens, J.L. Shuter, J.M. Jackson, R.S. Kushneriuk, and D.J. McCormick, Support for development of a long term environmental monitoring strategy for the Ring of Fire area, 2016, Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry.

Rempel, R.S., J. Baker, G. Brown, J. Churcher, M. Gluck, and B. Naylor. Guide Effectiveness Monitoring: Strategic Direction. 2011; 18].